Telling was created specially for Committee Room 1 at the Guildhall in the Centre of York. It reflects on the events that have taken place in and around this room over the course of its history, and specifically the financial exchange that in 1647 played such a significant part in the downfall of Charles, King of England, Scotland and Ireland. Charles I was publically executed in Whitehall, London, in 1649, resulting in the temporary abolition of the monarchy and the declaration of the republic known as the Commonwealth of England.
Words written and spoken by Julia, sound design, recording and composition by Damian, installation by Mark, direction from John, images by Kippa – including the pictures of the coins you see on the main table.
Telling was installed and presented as part of the I-Hear-Too Live II event on the evening of 19th September 2012. I-Hear-Too Live II was a series of commissioned artworks and performances for an invited audience as part of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx12)
The audio from Telling is available on Soundcloud.