After a recent residency at the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen’s University Belfast, Damian (working in the SARC Sonic Lab above) has prepared two new mixes of A Sense of Place [Revisited]. This has been prompted by recent reworkings of the piece for specific venues and a desire to have a ‘definitive’ version that can be easily used and installed in possible future locations. So we now have a new 5.1 mix suitable for DVD and a new stereo version to accompany it – both have involved a complete remix of the piece together with the addition of new material, mainly in the Bedern section.
John is going to be working with Damian on video material for this new version ready for final authoring to DVD. We’re hoping to have a new presentation of the installation to coincide with the launch of Me, Myself and MRI in January 2009.