Sense of Place

Listen to ‘A Sense of Place [Revisited]’

You can now listen to the remixed version of ‘A Sense of Place’ on SoundCloud.

A Sense of Place – Minster Nights available on Vimeo

You can see and hear Sense of Place on Vimeo

York Minster Nights – January 2010

A Sense of Place was featured as part of York Minster Nights. You can see some images here:

Project Updates – New Remixes

After a recent residency at the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen’s University Belfast, Damian (working in the SARC Sonic Lab above) has prepared two new mixes of A Sense of Place [Revisited]. This has been prompted by recent reworkings of the piece for specific venues and a desire to have a ‘definitive’ version that […]

A Sense of Place [Revisited II] – Bedern

A Sense of Place was ‘performed’ today at Bedern Hall, York as part of the Virtual Audio and Past Environments Conference. A Sense of Place [Revisited II] is a redevelopment of the original piece, designed for more general presentation. The emphasis is now on the audio aspects of the work, with images of the original […]

York Minster Impulse Responses

A copy of the York Minster impulse responses are now available on the SpACE-Net website:

Publication in Leonardo Magazine

Sense of Place has featured in an article written for Leonardo Magazine by Dr Damian Murphy. Entitled ‘Spatial Audio Measurement, Modeling and Composition’ the article details the work of Damian’s 18 month research Fellowship. LEONARDO, Vol.39, No.5, pp.464-466, 2006


Feedback from one visitor: “Been meaning to get in touch to say how much I enjoyed a Sense of Place. Thought it was a really powerful installation and I loved the piece of music you used in it. Out of all the pieces Renaissance commissioned I reckon it best fulfilled the criteria. So what’s next…?!”

Comments from launch

“I have been telling everyone I’ve met this morning to go up and see/ hear /experience it.”

Finding Bootham Bar

Here’s a little map in case you need help in finding Bootham Bar: