
Telling - Final Checks

Telling – Audio Available!

Telling was a bespoke installation for a specific event held in September 2012. The audio soundtrack for the project, designed and composed by Damian and featuring Julia’s words and voice is now available on Soundcloud: Other audio examples from our projects are also available via Damian’s Soundcloud page.

Scarborough South Bay - Where we swim

Sea Swim – Project Update

Two of the audio works from the Sea Swim project are now available on Damian’s Soundcloud page. A podcast based on the soundtrack to the Sea Swim film: And some of the sea swimmers reflecting on what swimming in the sea means to them: Find out more about the ongoing work of the Sea Swim […]

York Minster Impulse Responses

A copy of the York Minster impulse responses are now available on the SpACE-Net website:

Recording the Nave

The Nave is a fantastic space to experience. Especially when being rested and at night.

Recording the bells

Had to make a trek up to the bell tower to record the bells. This meant we got to see a few views that most visitors to the Minster don’t get to see. Above is a view taken with my very poor camera phone. The blurring is probably from me shaking!