York Minster

A Sense of Place – Minster Nights available on Vimeo

You can see and hear Sense of Place on Vimeo

York Minster Nights – January 2010

A Sense of Place was featured as part of York Minster Nights. You can see some images here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1328214@N23/pool/

Project Updates – New Remixes

After a recent residency at the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen’s University Belfast, Damian (working in the SARC Sonic Lab above) has prepared two new mixes of A Sense of Place [Revisited]. This has been prompted by recent reworkings of the piece for specific venues and a desire to have a ‘definitive’ version that […]

York Minster Impulse Responses

A copy of the York Minster impulse responses are now available on the SpACE-Net website: http://space-net.org.uk/node/50

Recording the Nave

The Nave is a fantastic space to experience. Especially when being rested and at night.

Recording the bells

Had to make a trek up to the bell tower to record the bells. This meant we got to see a few views that most visitors to the Minster don’t get to see. Above is a view taken with my very poor camera phone. The blurring is probably from me shaking!

Recording York Minster

Tonight is an epic stint in York Minster to take a new impulse response of the building. This time the Nave is being rested, which means that their won’t be any chairs to affect the resonance. We are also going up the bell tower to record the main chimes to use within the third movement.