nearly there …

… and here is the AITA tree, safely stowed not far from the Art Gallery … as you can see it is quite tall …

today, the last day before we build the installation tomorrow, has seen a considerable rush around … I have cleaned Boyes Scarborough branch out of foam pads – that makes 20 in all that we can use to line a selection of archive boxes – a container purchased for the tree – i hope its big enough! …

I have put tools, spray-mount, scalpel, paper, other bits and pieces to one side so I can take them to the Gallery

the camera battery is charging … I thought I might set the camera up and do a time lapse recording in the studio space as we set things up …

all the videos are sorted and ready so Mark can load them onto the monitor … the DVD with surround-sound has been authored by Damian (what a nightmare getting that right has been!) …

Amy will be at the Gallery at 9 to meet Mark, Damian and Kippa …

now all I have to do is make sure I get on train so I can join them a little bit later!

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