three days to opening day …

Friday morning … the projector and DVD player have been installed in the Studio … I arrive late as the 7:38 train was (a) late leaving Scarborough and (b) the train nearly hit a tractor which was trying to cross the track … I only find out about this when I get to work as I managed to sleep through the entire event …

when I get to the gallery Amy and the techy guys are waiting for me … good job as there is a slight issue with the lens … the long throw lens gives too small an image, the wide lens gives an image that overlaps onto the ceiling and side walls … Amy and I like the way the projection overlaps on the side walls so I get the technicians to leave the projector with the wide lens installed … we will be able to crop the image with a piece of card so it doesnt overlap onto the ceiling too much …

AND most importantly of all … the tree, the tall beautiful, graceful centrepiece of Mesolithic Interventions has been delivered by Wykeham Mature Plants

a team of ninja arboriculturalists (aka Dan, Bob, Rachel, and Harvey) help me carry it round to a safe place where it can be stored until Sunday …. there is an event in the Studio tomorrow so we cant bring the tree in until Sunday …

the tree is rather taller than I remember! but it will go in the Studio even if there might have to be a bit of judicious pruning … I even remember to give it a good watering before I leave for home …

the tree root-ball is in a small bag (an incredibly small bag for a 5m high tree!) that isnt waterproof so we will need to put it in a waterproof container … more expense!

the Studio is being painted a lovely deep shade of green, the shelving, boxes and drawers have all been delivered (great job Amy!) …

I have left in the storage space in the Studio: foam, spray paint (only one can, will we need more …. hmmm probably), cable clips and ties, eyelet thingies, gaffer tape and fishing line … just need to buy more foam and marker pens tomorrow …

so now its back to sorting out the video files and then all we have to do is turn up on Sunday and put it all together … it will all be fine guys, honestly, trust me I’m an archaeologist … and an artist …

I wonder what crisis is waiting for us? he whispers quietly to himself … tbc

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