Science and Society Event – National Science Learning Centre

On 19th November the National Science Learning Centre hosted an evening on Science and Society, Reach-out and Public Engagement at the University of York. Kathy Sykes, Professor of Sciences and Society at the University of Bristol and well known science broadcaster was the guest speaker. Me, Myself and MRI helped to represent the public engagement […]

What goes on inside the head of a kick-boxer?

Me, Myself and MRI is the cover feature on the March 2009 edition of the University of York magazine: http://www.york.ac.uk/admin/presspr/magazine/marchmag09.pdf

Calendar News

Follow the link below to see the feature on the exhibition on last nights Calendar News. The full feature is 16 minutes into the program. NOTE: This is no longer available due to the ITV Yorkshire site being re-designed. http://www.itvlocal.com/yorkshire/?player=YOR_HomePage_15&void=286980

Exhibition Preview

Finally, everyone gets to preview the final exhibition…and we get a photo of everyone in the group.

Long days at the NSLC

Setting up the exhibition continues, but over the last couple of days the work has been less physical and more to do with software, audio, video and image. With everything coming together for the first time, we’ve been starting to really work with the source material. Damian spent a long time working on how the […]

Funding for Brain Awareness Week

Me, Myself and MRI has received funding to run guided tours of the exhibition as part of Brain Awareness Week (16th to 21st March 2009): http://fens.mdc-berlin.de/news/?id=223 More details soon.