
MRI scans used for Autism diagnosis

BBC reports on the use of MRI scanning data to help diagnose autism in adults:

Sheeps in MRI scanner

Interesting article about using an MRI scanner on sheep to help boost flock quality!

Science and Society Event – National Science Learning Centre

On 19th November the National Science Learning Centre hosted an evening on Science and Society, Reach-out and Public Engagement at the University of York. Kathy Sykes, Professor of Sciences and Society at the University of Bristol and well known science broadcaster was the guest speaker. Me, Myself and MRI helped to represent the public engagement […]

Ethics in Science and Art…

Today we discussed what ‘Ethics’ are or what the term actually means. It’s difficult to define exactly but the term covers many ideas about, for instance, right/wrong, public and personal values, the influence and role of society, religion, law. There are also many other things to discuss when talking about ethics – these ideas are […]