The BBC today features this video story about carrying out an MRI scan on UK champion beatboxer Reeps One. You can read the full article here:
The BBC today continues the almost weekly trend of showing how useful MRI scanners are, by reporting on a study looking into people who make decisions. It is thought that this could allow you to spot people who might make good leaders. Read more: There is also a nice video showing a participant going […]
The BBC reports today on research using Functional MRI to pinpoint which parts of the brain are used to deceive people. Researchers are hoping that helping to understand how the brain works will help in the understanding of ‘mental disorders’. Read more on the BBC website:
BBC reports on the use of MRI scanning data to help diagnose autism in adults:
Interesting article about using an MRI scanner on sheep to help boost flock quality!
Researchers use an MRI scanner to ‘see’ memories and predict what people are thinking about:
On 19th November the National Science Learning Centre hosted an evening on Science and Society, Reach-out and Public Engagement at the University of York. Kathy Sykes, Professor of Sciences and Society at the University of Bristol and well known science broadcaster was the guest speaker. Me, Myself and MRI helped to represent the public engagement […]
Me, Myself and MRI is the cover feature on the March 2009 edition of the University of York magazine:
Can machines read our minds? This is a really interesting article from The Times that explores the new phenomenon of ‘brainjacking’, being used by marketing experts, psychologists and criminal investigators. It also looks at the ethics of invading someone’s thoughts without their consent: Times article on brainjacking
Scientists find the spot in the brain associated with jealousy using an MRI scanner: