time to catch-up (1) ….

the pace has picked up considerably over the last week or so. On Easter Saturday, I met Damian at a wet Malton station and we then drove into Dalby Forest. Damian wanted to record the acoustic characteristics of the forest so he can use this “acoustic signature” in his soundscape for Mesolithic Interventions. We push […]

my god it’s almost April … !

good grief … yesterday I went out to meet Martin at Wykeham Mature Plants; we had a very good and useful conversation … now why would I be blogging about that, you ask yourselves? … more of that later … the concept that we intend to explore in the exhibition Mesolithic Interventions is that of […]

Mesolithic Updates …

… good grief how time flies … in the past month we have walked around the landscape at Star Carr gathered bits and pieces from the woodland and fields around Star Carr visited the nearest point on the modern coastline to Star Carr (Cayton Bay) interviewed Andrew, Nicky, Ben and James in the Yorkshire Museum […]

Brain scans can distinguish memory

Researchers use an MRI scanner to ‘see’ memories and predict what people are thinking about: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8556422.stm

and … action!

We have all been involved with a range of other projects, so at last its good to get a few dates in the diary for some more research for this project. On Monday 8th February we will have the opportunity to have a look around the laboratory in the Department of Archaeology, University of York. […]

A Sense of Place – Minster Nights available on Vimeo

You can see and hear Sense of Place on Vimeo

York Minster Nights – January 2010

A Sense of Place was featured as part of York Minster Nights. You can see some images here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1328214@N23/pool/

about "the archive"

This project is called “Artists in the Archive”. So, what is an archive? (We will leave the question of what is an artist for another time.) Standard dictionary definitions and thesauri entries tell us that an archive can be A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest or a record […]

Latest Project – Artists in the Archive

You can follow the latest Geodesic project on our blog and Flickr sites: Flickr – http://www.flickr.com/photos/44803905@N08/sets/ Blog – http://artistsinthearchive.blogspot.com/

Science and Society Event – National Science Learning Centre

On 19th November the National Science Learning Centre hosted an evening on Science and Society, Reach-out and Public Engagement at the University of York. Kathy Sykes, Professor of Sciences and Society at the University of Bristol and well known science broadcaster was the guest speaker. Me, Myself and MRI helped to represent the public engagement […]